Top visited sites in 2022 on GOOGLE.


 Google search has come a long way since its inception in 1998. Today, it is the most popular search engine in the world, handling billions of searches daily. Here are the top Google search sites in 2022:

  • YouTube - The video-sharing platform is the second largest search engine after Google and is owned by Google.

  • Amazon - The world's largest online retailer, Amazon is also a popular search site, especially for product searches.
  • Facebook - The social media giant is one of the most searched websites for staying connected with friends and family.

  • Wikipedia - The online encyclopedia continues to be a popular source of information for millions of people worldwide.
  • Twitter - The microblogging platform has become a go-to source for real-time news and information.
  • Instagram - The photo and video sharing app is popular for its visual content and has become a major marketing platform for businesses.

  • Reddit - The social news aggregation site is a popular source for discussions on a variety of topics and is known for its tight-knit communities.
  • LinkedIn - The professional networking site is a popular resource for job searching and networking with other professionals.

  • Pinterest - The visual discovery and bookmarking site is popular for inspiration on fashion, decor, recipes, and more.
  • TikTok - The short-video sharing platform has become a popular source of entertainment and has seen a surge in popularity in recent years.

These are just a few of the top Google search sites in 2022. With the increasing use of the internet, it is likely that the list of popular search sites will continue to grow and change in the coming years.

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